book your healing session with narce

Your Reiki Journey Starts Here

reiki sessions

Consultations | $45

Consultations are ~30 minutes and allow time for you to ask questions, share your story and glean from your own energies the need or pull to begin your Reiki Healing Journey with Narce. Consultations can be done online or in person.

To Book Please Email:

or call:


1 hours reiki session | $75

A one hour healing Reiki Session with Narce. Sessions may occasionally run slightly over or longer depending on energies available.

30 minute reiki session | $45

A slightly more condensed session, but with equal opportunity to begin your healing journey. This can also be utilized as an energy assessment.

virtual / online reiki session | $40

A thirty-minute online Reiki Session.

“just for today, i will not anger.

just for today i will not worry.

just for today, i will be grateful.

just for today, i will imbue all my thoughts with love & understanding.”